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Get more social and keep up-to-date with the latest trends. Retweet, join in on an issue, make it viral, or simply browse over Twitter’s Twitter timeline to stay up to date with what’s happening, be it news from social media or from all over the globe.

Twitter is the most popular social media application and is the most up-to-date source of news happening around the world directly from the personal accounts of the most influential people who influence your world every day.

Find the most popular topics in the media or get to know thought leaders in the areas that are important to you. Whether your interests span from the latest celebrity tweets to political and news updates or football, you are able to connect with the influential or your friends. Every voice can influence the world.

Follow your passions. Tweet, Retweet, or reply to tweets, Like or Share TwitterTwitter is the top social media application for the latest information and updates.

Topics that are TrendingGet prepared for the new type of media. Find hashtags and popular topics to stay up-to-date. Keep track of the Twitter feeds of your most popular influential people, as well as thousands of interesting Twitter users. You can also read their tweets in an instant.

Comment on the HTML0. Connect with your social networks by sharing interesting links, photos, and videos. Send a message to your friends or respond to a thread. If you talk in private or make a splash the voice of your friends makes an impact.

Make yourself known. Twitter lets you connect with interesting people or create a community that is interested in you. Beyond the social aspect, Twitter allows influencers to establish a personal connection with their followers. Talk directly to those who have a direct impact on you. You might be amazed by the number of people who respond.

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apk Twitter

Create your profile:

Customize your profile by adding your name, photo as well as location, and background photo
*Post content with visuals
Use hashtags in your tweets #
* Draw in followers that are not on Twitter

Find out What’s Trending

Find the most popular hashtags on-trend as well as breaking headlines from the news. Follow the latest news, Twitter threads, and live videos to stay on the latest news. If you’re looking for sporting events or pop culture memes or even politics, Twitter is your source of information.

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Join a community

Beyond the friends, you know. Use social media to grow your social circle. Find friends who share similar interests or discover areas of interest you never thought you have. Learn about the subjects that are important to you regardless of whether you’re popular or particular. You can also share content, or just be a fly on the wall. Either way, you’ll learn something new every when you launch the app.

Make your voice heard on social media. Download the Twitter application for Android now!

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twitter pic
Twitter pic

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